Thursday, December 10, 2009

Google Chrome Themes

When Chrome first launched, I made a quick move and started using the browser for my daily browsing. My daily browsing activity is: Email (Gmail), blogs and newspapers, forums, Facebook... and the other Internet Crap.

There's something here, about Google Chrome: Speed and Rendering.
Unluckily, FireFox can't beat chrome on those two things. Chrome is faster, lighter. It crashes few more times that FireFox and render pages quickly.

But there's a price you pay when using Chrome: Extensions.
Google says Chrome is Open Source, but I don't see how it's Open Source. I last check over the several themes Chrome was offering, they were nothing, but some color changes. This is a whole lot different than FireFox, who can change the whole browser for you.

I was wondering, if I really need to change chrome colors, I read websites, what matters about my navigator style?

Now, I use Firefox for debugging Javascript and CSS, chrome for browsing... Internet Explorer for running Active X applications!!!

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